JSO Wood Products does not guarantee or warranty any of its’ products to conform to FAR standards. JSO Wood Products or any employee thereof, cannot make any guarantee or warranty, express or implied, as to the results of the testing you may achieve. The wide variation in the use of our products is beyond our control and we expressly disclaim any responsibility for the use of our products. It is the responsibility of the buyers and users of our products to test and determine whether or not the material is suitable for their needs.
Because most burn testing is not actually done with veneer alone, but rather in “composite” form with the substrate and finish added to our product, it is impossible for us to know if each customers application will perform to the necessary requirements for the aviation industry.
What we can tell you about our product is that we fire-treat the backings on our Jet-Ply II and Jet-Ply III. Jet-Ply I (10 mil) is not a fire-treated product. We believe this treatment can assist you in successfully passing flame retardant tests required by the aviation industry as it has done for our customers in the past. It has been the experience of most of our customers that they can achieve the desired results for burn testing by adding a fire-retardant additive to their own finishing process. We can supply that additive. We also know that the process is more likely successful when the customer’s finished product has cure for 1-2 weeks before it is tested. We will be happy to provide more information and references from customers who have achieved satisfactory results using our products.
Steve Kitts,